Pesquisar antes de seguir métodos agresivos como o proposto pelo Sr. Estivill

A obra do Dr. Estivill sobre o sono dos bebés tem levado às mais variadas reflexões e nem todas são tão simplistas como as veiculadas recentemente pela revista Visão e pelo Jornal Expresso.

é pena que a D- Quixote tenha publicado a tradução da obra deste senhor e não aposte em trazer para Portugal obras de pediatras, obstetras, antropólogos, etnopediatras e pais reflexivos e experientes que nos poderiam dar a conhecer formas simples e naturais de organização familiar muito mais respeitadoras das nossas crianças.

Vale a pena pesquisar sobre esta temática antes de tomar o que nos chega através da comunicação social como verdade absoluta. Só para dar alguns exemplos (há muito mais na barra lateral deste blog):

The Continuum Concept, Jean Liedloff

The Natural Child: Parenting from the Heart, Jan Hunt

Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life, Marshall Rosenberg

Learning all the Time, John Holt

Freedom and Beyond, John Holt

Parenting for a Peaceful World, Robin Grille

Primal Health, Michel Odent

The Scientification of Love, Michel Odent

Letting Go as Children Grow, Deborah Jackson

Baby-led Weaning, Gill Rapley

Our Babies, Ourselves, Meredith Small

Secret of Childhood, Maria Montessori

When You Baby Cries, Deborah Jackson

Tocar: o Significado Humano da Pele. Ashley Montagu

Attachment, Bowlby, J.

Babies and Their Mothers : D.W. Winnicott

The Science of Parenting by Margot Sunderland

The No Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley

Heart to heart parenting by Robin Grille

Helping your baby to sleep by Anni Gethin & Beth MacGregor

Diaper Free, the gentle wisdom of natural infant hygiene by Ingrid Bauer

You Are Your Child's First Teacher by Rahima Baldwin Dancy

Natural Childhood John Thomson

Fussy Baby Book, Parenting Your High Need Child & Attachment Parenting Book - William & Martha Sears

Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves - Naomi Aldort

Three In A Bed - Deborah Jackson

Misconceptions - Naomi Wolf

Birth Reborn, What Childbirth Should Be - Michel Odent

Guide To Childbirth & Spiritual Midwifery - Ina May Gaskin

Buddhism For Mothers, a Calm Approach to Caring for Yourself and Your Children - Sarah Napthali

Childbirth WIthout Fear Grantly Dick REad

Vital Touch Sharon HEller

The Diaper Free Baby Christine Gros Loh

Why Love Matters Sue Gerhardt

Hold On to Your Kids Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Mater

The Secret Life of the Unborn Child Dr Verny

Hypnobirthing Marie Mongan

Birth Without Violence Frederick Leboyer

How to Raise a Healthy Child by Dr Robert Mendelssohn

Toxic Childhood Sue PAlmer

Womanly Art of Breastfeeding La Leche League

Raising Boys Steve Biddulph

How Children Learn John Holt

Instead of Education John Holt

The Politics of Breastfeeding Gabrielle Palmer

Mothering a Nursing Toddler La Leche League

Lista reunida no fórum do CC

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