Ritmo semanal #2

Eu não sobreviveria a tanto crafting, a sensibilidade de quem nos visita também não mas, como havia explicitado num post anterior, gosto mesmo muito desta noção de ritmo semanal. Estou a trabalhar na melhor forma de acertar o nosso. Será menos crafty, obviamente.

Imagem de http://alittlecraftynest.typepad.com/a-little-crafty-nest/family-rhythms/


  1. Hi there, I stumbled upon your blog after being redirected from my own space. Hello! I see you are similarly inspired by Steiner philosophy and so many other wonderful mama things. Where are you? I was a bit surprised to see my photos on your page, but am happy you connected my site to them. Thank you.
    ~ Jules

  2. hello Jules. It was donne during a slepless nigth when i was looking for inspiration. I ,love your ideias, blog, sweet photos. Will be back many times to your blog. It is a great inspiration for me, even if i'm not crafty at all :)
