Qualquer criança sabe que se chorar quando esta em stress se sente aliviada e nós, adultos, esquecemos este mecanismo simples e eficaz. Mais do que isso, muitos e muitas de nós, mesmo que sintamos necessidade, não sabemos ou não conseguimos chorar.
O que a autora recomenda é que tenhamos "micro ataques de nervos provocados" na razão de, pelo menos, um por dia.
- Encontra um sitio onde te possas fechar sozinha;
- Fecha os olhos, respira fundo algumas vezes e diz silenciosamente " estou magoada". Repete;
- Se sentires a mínima sensação de aperto no peito ou olhos segue-os, finge que estas a chorar e suspira varias vezes;
- Se não conseguires sentir nada, imagina-te com oito anos, com todas as responsabilidades e preocupações que tens agora e diz a ti mesma "algúem me ajude, eu sou demasiado pequenina para aguentar isto tudo. Vou fazer asneira"
- Dá-te tempo para sentir pena de ti, se ela vier a superfície. Silenciosamente liberta os teus sentimentos e nota a tensão a dissipar-se;
- Não tens que chorar com lágrimas, mas, se chorares com lágrimas, melhor;
- Sabes que terminaste quando sentes que a tensão diminuiu, quando abres os olhos e te sentes mais viva;
- Faz isto todos os dias, vais-te sentir mais relaxada;
- A criança assustada dentro de ti precisa de chorar e uma vez que o faz sente-se melhor;
- Podem ser sentimentos difíceis de enfrentar mas se os conseguires libertar só uma vez, de forma consciente, em vez de os calcares e esconderes milhares de vezes seguidas, os deneficios são imensos. Um sentimento (dor mágoa, solidão, abandono...) libertado conscientemente, não necessita de ser recalcado nem descarregado em terceiros;
- Depois disto, a energia pode demorar a voltar, podes ficar cansada pela libertacao de tensão;
- Claro que vais ter que fazer isto mais do que umas vez. É como tirar ervas do jardim, sempre que aparecem, vais tiras-las até que o jardim comece a ficar mais limpo, com mais espaço para flores e legumes do que para ervas infestantes;
- Quanto mais fizeres isto, mais calma e pociente te tornas.
Se ajudar, enquanto choras, podes imaginar a tensão a ir para algum lado, para a terra através dos teus pés, para o mar, levada pela chuva....
Yesterday, I cried.
I came home, went straight to my room,
sat on the edge of my bed,
kicked off my shoes, unhooked my bra*,
and I had myself a good cry....
I cried until my nose was running all over the silk blouse I got on sale.
I cried until my ears were hot.
I cried until my head was hurting so bad
that I could hardly see the pile of soiled tissues lying on the floor at my feet.
I want you to understand,
I had myself a really good cry yesterday.
Yesterday, I cried,
for all the days that I was too busy,
or too tired, or too mad to cry.
I cried for all the days, and all the ways,
and all the times I had dishonored, disrespected,
and disconnected my Self from myself,
only to have it reflected back to me in the ways others
did to me the same things I had already done to myself.
I cried for all the things I had given, only to have them stolen;
for all the things I had asked for that had yet to show up;
for all the things I had accomplished, only to give them away,
to people in circumstances, which left me feeling empty,
and battered and plain old used.
I cried because there really does come a time when
the only thing left for you to do is cry.
Yesterday, I cried.
I cried because little boys get left by their daddies;
and little girls get forgotten by their mommies;
and daddies don't know what to do, so they leave;
and mommies get left, so they get mad.
I cried because I had a little boy,
and because I was a little girl,
and because I was a mommy who didn't know what to do,
and because I wanted my daddy to be there so badly until I ached.
Yesterday, I cried.
I cried because I hurt. I cried because I was hurt.
I cried because hurt has no place to go
except deeper into the pain that caused it in the first place,
and when it gets there, the hurt wakes you up.
I cried because it was too late.
I cried because it was time.
I cried because my soul knew that I didn't know
that my soul knew everything that I needed to know.
I cried a soulful cry yesterday, and it felt so good.
It felt so very, very bad.
In the midst of my crying,
I felt my freedom coming,
Yesterday, I cried
with an agenda.
--Iyanla Vanzant
I came home, went straight to my room,
sat on the edge of my bed,
kicked off my shoes, unhooked my bra*,
and I had myself a good cry....
I cried until my nose was running all over the silk blouse I got on sale.
I cried until my ears were hot.
I cried until my head was hurting so bad
that I could hardly see the pile of soiled tissues lying on the floor at my feet.
I want you to understand,
I had myself a really good cry yesterday.
Yesterday, I cried,
for all the days that I was too busy,
or too tired, or too mad to cry.
I cried for all the days, and all the ways,
and all the times I had dishonored, disrespected,
and disconnected my Self from myself,
only to have it reflected back to me in the ways others
did to me the same things I had already done to myself.
I cried for all the things I had given, only to have them stolen;
for all the things I had asked for that had yet to show up;
for all the things I had accomplished, only to give them away,
to people in circumstances, which left me feeling empty,
and battered and plain old used.
I cried because there really does come a time when
the only thing left for you to do is cry.
Yesterday, I cried.
I cried because little boys get left by their daddies;
and little girls get forgotten by their mommies;
and daddies don't know what to do, so they leave;
and mommies get left, so they get mad.
I cried because I had a little boy,
and because I was a little girl,
and because I was a mommy who didn't know what to do,
and because I wanted my daddy to be there so badly until I ached.
Yesterday, I cried.
I cried because I hurt. I cried because I was hurt.
I cried because hurt has no place to go
except deeper into the pain that caused it in the first place,
and when it gets there, the hurt wakes you up.
I cried because it was too late.
I cried because it was time.
I cried because my soul knew that I didn't know
that my soul knew everything that I needed to know.
I cried a soulful cry yesterday, and it felt so good.
It felt so very, very bad.
In the midst of my crying,
I felt my freedom coming,
Yesterday, I cried
with an agenda.
--Iyanla Vanzant
Adorei! Obrigada, Cá :)